Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A Long Week

This week has been draggin' on forever it seems and it is only Wednesday! I have got nothing going on in my life and to boot I have zero to look forward to in the near future. Brian is working all weekend and starting doubles again on Sunday. The weather is still crappy and cold and as I am sure you can tell it is taking it's toll on me! I am sooooo ready for Spring!!!

Okay I did get the boys enrolled in Tae Kwon Do. The class I was trying to get them in was full but they opened another class and the time works better for me. I guess something good has happened this week. The class I got them in is Wednesday and Friday from 3:15-4:15. This works out perfect. I can get the boys from school go straight to Tae Kwon Do and then home to do homework and make dinner. The other class was Mon, Wed, and Fri. from 5-6 which was really going to stink.

I also enrolled in an online photography class. The last time the class was offered it sold out in 7 minutes. I had to be sure I was online when they opened enrollment. This wouldn't be a problem if it was not at 3am my time. That is right it was open at 9pm EST and that is O dark, way too early in the crappy morning for me!!! But I did it. I set an alarm for 2:30 and dragged my tired butt out of bed to sign up for the class. Oh it better be a good class. The boys are very excited that mom is going to have homework starting next week.

I guess that is all I have to report. I am off to dreamland.

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