Monday, March 30, 2009


Today I wanted to cheat. Not really bad, but enough. I hung tough and resisted the urge to eat unhealthy. I was at the commissary and I started making excuses in my mind on why I deserved to get a candy bar. I have been coming down sick since Friday. Just a cold and if I keep medicated I seem to keep it at bay. I have just been off I guess you could say. I lost 8 pounds so far, but then on any given day I may gain one and then I will lose it again. I added up the calories I usually eat in a day. I though I was barely making 1000 and found out it was more in the ballpark of 1400. I am soooo cutting out those little peanut butter to go cups. I was eating one of those with an apple or celery but that little cup is almost 400 calories!!! I have not been doing a good job with my water intake either. I still haven't started exercising. I know this will help me so much but I have not had the motivation to start it yet.

My patience is running on empty when it comes to my older child. He is so disrespectful at times I just want to scream. I just don't get it. I would have NEVER spoke to my parents the way he speaks to us, sometimes on a daily basis. And don't even get me started on how he acts with his brother! I wonder if they will ever be friends. I know I fought with my sisters but I also liked them. I just don't know if they even like each other.

My photography assignment this week was about lighting. She wanted us to take a picture indoors without using a flash. This isn't a problem for me since in Germany latley it has been raining and yucky so I have had plenty of practice with this. I decided to bother the dogs this time and got a good one of Piper.

Okay so this was a total gripe session. Sorry. Sometimes you just have to get it out. Well the little angels go to bed in an hour, so there is a silver lining. Tomorrow is another day and I pray it will be a better day. Til next time.

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